Statistically, some types of bankruptcy are far more common than others. Chapter 12 bankruptcy is one of the least common forms of bankruptcy, but Florida sees more Chapter 12 bankruptcy filings than many other states. Chapter 12 bankruptcy is a specialized form of...
Representation With Dignity Since 1987
chapter 12 bankruptcy for farms
How a Chapter 12 bankruptcy can help a family farm
For many people, agricultural work is more than a source of income. It is a lifestyle and potentially also a family tradition. The home where they live is part of the farm, and every aspect of their daily schedule revolves around the production of specific crops....
How long does debt repayment last in a Chapter 12 bankruptcy?
There are different types of bankruptcy available for people and businesses in a variety of different circumstances. An organization preparing for dissolution because the company has become unprofitable might file a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. There are other options...
3 reasons farmers decide to turn to Chapter 12 bankruptcy
There are numerous types of bankruptcy available to those who run businesses, such as family farms. Organizations can pursue multiple different types of bankruptcy depending on their current circumstances and what they hope to achieve via a bankruptcy filing. Family...
Why tractors and equipment could push farmers into bankruptcy
As a farmer in Florida, you have your choice of numerous crops, many of which could be very lucrative after you become established. However, farming is far from a cheap profession to pursue. You cannot just pop a few seeds in the ground and just wait for them to...
Fishing commercially? You could use Chapter 12 bankruptcy
If you are a commercial fisherman struggling with your business, one of the options that could be open to you is Chapter 12 bankruptcy. If you have never heard of this kind of bankruptcy before, you’re not alone—many people learn about Chapter 11 or 7, but they don’t...
What is a Chapter 12 bankruptcy?
Chapter 12 bankruptcy is a unique form of bankruptcy designed for agricultural businesses. With a Chapter 12 bankruptcy, farmers who are dealing with debt can look for “cramdown” solutions, which help them reduce their debts significantly by comparing the value of a...
Can you file for bankruptcy to protect your family farm?
Agriculture is a noble but unpredictable profession. Even the best, most experienced farmers can have a few bad seasons close together due to circumstances beyond their control. Unusual weather patterns, including unseasonably hot or cold days and high or low levels...
How Chapter 12 bankruptcy helps agricultural professionals
Modern agriculture can be an unpredictable industry. Although technology has led to less laborious farm work, increased yield and less crop loss to pests, things can still go wrong due to factors beyond a farmer's control. Regardless of how educated, experienced and...
Farm bankruptcies are at their highest since 2011
Is your farm mired in debt and getting little relief? According to the American Farm Bureau Federation, the nation’s largest farm advocacy group, many farmers are struggling this year. Between January and September, 580 farmers filed Chapter 12 bankruptcy. That’s up...