Deciding to file for bankruptcy can be a very difficult decision to make. Sometimes it may feel as though it would be easier to bury your head in the sand and pretend that your debts do not exist. But the fact of the matter is that in order to free yourself from your...
Representation With Dignity Since 1987
Month: July 2018
Can I eliminate multiple liens through bankruptcy?
If you're considering Chapter 11 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy, it's possible that you're dealing with multiple liens against your home or other property. This could be in the form of a second mortgage on your primary residence, but could also relate to investment...
Large estates are best suited to Chapter 11 bankruptcy
If you are the owner of a large home but are struggling with finances, particularly increasing debts, you may not know which way to turn. If your outgoings are not matching up with your income although your income is high, it may be time to reconsider the way that you...
Filing for bankruptcy as a Florida restaurant
Restaurants can go through periods of huge success, but just as quickly can come periods of hardship. This is why it is important for restaurants to keep a view on the long term, and factor in the possibility of financial hardships and debts. While bankruptcy is for...
Chapter 12 bankruptcy can help you take control of farm finances
Operating a profitable family farm is not always easy. There are major expenses that the average person would never even think of that are necessary to successfully run a farm. Machinery for planting and harvesting crops, as well as seed stock or root stock for...
Getting out of debt through a wage earner’s plan
Dealing with ever-increasing debt can feel like a never-ending cycle that you will never get out of. The government recognizes that it can be very difficult for debtors to get out of the situation they find themselves in, especially because of interest rates on unpaid...