When any business is struggling with debts, it is vital that action is taken early on in order to prevent the situation from escalating. The debt accumulation is likely to be due to a number of external or environmental factors that are largely out of the business...
Representation With Dignity Since 1987
Month: August 2018
Paying off your debts through a monthly payment plan
When you are struggling with debts, the actual amount of debt that you have could make you feel as though it is impossible for you to ever be debt-free. However, when you take a step back and divide the repayment goal into monthly, manageable chunks, the debt probably...
Learn more about the most flexible bankruptcy chapter
When an individual is struggling with accumulating debts, it is likely that he or she has considered filing for bankruptcy as a solution to this situation. However, it's easy to become overwhelmed with the different choices in regard to all of the bankruptcy chapters....
Avoiding tax issues during Chapter 13 bankruptcy
Chapter 13 bankruptcy allows individuals to repay some or all their debt in a few years. While this is a great option for some, it’s important to stay current on expenses and stick with the payment plan. Problems with taxes oftentimes occur while individuals are...
How your small business can benefit from Chapter 11 bankruptcy
Running a business can be tough. While you can work tirelessly to make your business a success, sometimes there are simply factors beyond your control that will mean that the going gets tough. If your business finds itself struggling against seemingly ever-increasing...
Are all farmers eligible for Chapter 12 bankruptcy?
If you are a farmer in the state of Florida and you are struggling with increasing debts, it is likely that you have considered ways that you can relieve yourself of such a heavy financial burden. While bankruptcy is considered by many as a last resort, it can be a...